अगर आप Crime Patrol episodes list पाना चाहते हैं, और इस show के बारे में सारी जानकारियां चाहते हैं, तो आप बिलकुल सही जगह पर हैं। यहां पर आपको Crime Patrol के episodes की list के साथ-साथ बाकी सभी चीजों की जानकारी भी दी जाएगी।
Crime Patrol एक Hindi crime anthology series है जो साल 2003 से Sony channel पर चल रही है। इस series के 5 seasons और 1 spin-off series को मिलाकर अब तक total 2500+ episodes बन चुके हैं।
इस series के लगभग सभी episodes की shooting location Mumbai में रही है। Crime Patrol India की longest running reality crime television series है।
अभी series का 5th season चल रहा है जो 15 July 2019 को start हुआ था। इस season को आप Sonyliv.com या इसकी App पर Crime Patrol Satark वाले section में देख सकते हैं।
Season 1 और Season 2 के episodes half-hour के slot के लिए बनाए गए थे जबकि बाद के seasons और snip-off series के episodes one-hour के slot के लिए बनाए गए।
- CID (Sony TV)
Crime Patrol India में होने वाले crime cases का dramatized version पेश करता है। Show का host anchor (mostly Anup Soni) हर episode में दिखाई गई crime story जैसी वारदातों से बचने के लिए कुछ सलाह देता है।
June 2015 में Crime Patrol की team ने यह तय किया कि वो सिर्फ crime के बारे में awareness ही नहीं फैलाएंगे, बल्कि वो उन victims की help भी करेंगे जिनकी story पर episodes बनाए गए हैं।
- Genre – Crime
- Created by – Subramanian S. Iyer
- Written by – Subramanian S. Iyer
- Directed by – Subramanian S. Iyer
- Producers – Prem Krishen Malhotra & others
- Production Company – Cinevistaas Limited & others
- No. of Seasons – 5+1
- No. of Episodes – 2500+
- Running Time – 45 minutes
- Original Network – Sony TV
- First Episode Date – 9 May 2003
Table of Contents
Crime Patrol All Episodes
नीचे Crime Patrol के सभी 5 seasons और उनमें episodes की गिनती समेत कई और details दी गई हैं। Crimpe Patrol episodes list इसके बाद दी गई है।
Season 1
Crime Patrol के first season में every week एक episode Friday night को दिखाया जाता था। इस season को पहले Diwakar Pundir ने host किया था और बाद में उनकी जगह Shakti Anand ने ले ली थी। यह season hit रहा।
Start – 9 May 2003
End – 3 March 2006
No. of Episodes – 134
Season 2
पहले season की popularity के कारण Sony TV ने Crime Patrol का 2nd season भी launch किया। Monday to Thursday इसके episodes air किया जाते थे।
Crime Patrol Season 2 के host Soni और Sakshi Tanwar थे। यह season बढ़िया TRP ratings पाने में fail रहा।
Start – 26 January 2010
End – 24 May 2010
No. of Episodes – 88
Season 3
2nd season के ठीक 4 महीने बाद Crime Patrol का 3rd season आया। यह हर Friday से Saturday रात को दिखाया जाता था। इसे अकेले Anup Soni ने host किया था।
3rd season भी 2nd की तरह low TRP ratings के कारण सिर्फ 3 महीने और 28 episodes के बाद बंद करना पड़ा।
Start – 24 September 2010
End – 25 December 2010
No. of Episodes – 28
Season 4
Season 3 के सिर्फ 4 महीने बाद Crime Patrol का Season 4 लाया गया। पहले कुछ weeks की मंदी के बाद यह season चल निकला और हफ्ते दर हफ्ते इसकी TRP ratings बढ़ती चली गई।
यह season Anup Soni द्वारा ही host किया गया था।
पहले तो यह season सिर्फ Friday-Saturday को ही दिखाया जाता था, लेकिन बाद में इसे एक new title ‘Crime Patrol Satark’ के साथ Friday-Sunday दिखाया जाने लगा। यह season 7 साल तक चला।
Start – 29 April 2011
End – 9 December 2018
No. of Episodes – 1083
Spin off
Season 4 के middle में Crime Patrol की एक spin-off series start की गई। इस series का title Crime Patrol Dial 100 है और इसके episodes Monday to Thursday दिखाए जाते थे।
Crime Patrol Dial 100 series भी Anup Soni द्वारा ही host की गई।
Start – 26 October 2015
End – 12 July 2019
No. of Episodes – 1200 (approx.)
Season 5
हमने ऊपर बताया ही है कि Crime Patrol का अभी 5th season चल रहा है और यह 15 July 2019 को शुरू किया गया था। इसके episodes हर Monday to Friday दिखाए जाते हैं।
Start – 15 July 2019
End – Running in Present.
No. of Episodes – 20 (as of 10 August 2019)
Crime Patrol Episodes List
अगर आप इस page पर Crime Patrol episodes list search करके आएं हैं तो यह list नीचे दी गई है। हमने केवल 100 episodes की list ही दी है, बाकी की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि हमने ऊपर ही Crime Patrol के seasons और episodes के बारे में बता दिया है।
- It Happened That Night Part 1
- It Happened That Night Part 2
- A Teenager Goes Missing Part 1
- A Teenager Goes Missing Part 2
- Discontented
- Shootout
- Shootout 2
- Case 18 / 2017
- Ojhal
- Well planned murder of Jagan Kora
- Hamla
- Hamla-2
- 2 fake Police officers
- Unclaimed bodies (Part I)
- Unclaimed Bodies (Part II)
- Bank Robbery (Part I)
- Bank Robbery (Part II)
- A Hidden Agenda
- A Hidden Agenda
- A Plot In Rewind
- A Plot in Rewind 2
- The Vanishing
- Ransom-Part I
- Ransom-Part II
- Episode 459
- Episode 458
- The Motive
- The Motive 2
- Bhadkaava
- Bhadkaava-2
- Kalpanik
- Naraz
- Naraz-2
- Episode 518
- Episode 519
- Episode 520
- An Escaped Convict
- Escaped Convict 2
- A Cruel Conspiracy Part 1
- A Cruel Conspiracy Part 2
- A Cruel Conspiracy Part 3
- Conspiracy Unearthed 2
- Conspiracy Unearthed
- Death Of Two Best Friends Part 1
- Death Of Two Best Friends Part 2
- Baadal
- Baadal-2
- Truth to Inspector Ramesh
- Palatvaar
- Vishwasghaat
- Mandi
- Mandi 2
- Room No. 16
- Bezuban
- Bhram Part-I
- Bhram Part II
- Purani Dushmani
- Purani Dushmani 2
- Quest for happiness
- Quest for happiness 2
- The Third Man 1
- The Third Man 2
- Begunaah 1
- Begunaah 2
- Case 31 / 2017
- Case 31 / 2017 (Part 2)
- Case 31 / 2017 (Part 3)
- Case 27 / 2017
- Case 27 / 2017 (Part 2)
- Ashodhita
- Ashodhita 2
- Kings and Pawns
- Kings & Pawns 2
- Kings & Pawns (Part III)
- Dead Woman Comes Back Part 1
- Dead Woman Comes Back Part 2
- Kajal Sharma Gets Murdered
- Succeed In Finding Kajal’s Killer
- Dead End
- Dead End 2
- Bikhre Rishte
- Bikhre Rishte
- Case 38 / 2017
- Laalach Part 2
- Mukhota
- Mukhota (Part-II)
- Double Life Part III
- Double Life Part I
- Elected Criminals (Part I)
- Elected Criminals (Part II)
- Irreconcilable Differences
- Irreconcilable Differences 2
- Buried Deep
- Taxi
- Taxi 2
- Saar Kati Laash
- Saar Kati Laash 2
- Dank
- Dank Part-2
- Hataash
ऊपर दी गई Crime Patrol episodes list इस show की एक YouTube Playlist से ली गई है।
jaon says
Sir can you suggest me the episode in which drunk friends goes to a house where one friend sleeps with a girl wrapped in towels. And later as the story proceeds we find that the girl is married and with his husband they record sextapes and sell them.
Site Admin says
Sorry, it is very hard to find in this way. You can ask this questions in various serial related forums like quora and others.
Mahesh says
Muze gunge bap ki choti bachi ko padosi ne chura ya oh episode chahiye in 2015 me aaya tha
Pramod says
Hi Admin,
Can you please upload the episode in which a school kid (Raju)entered in Army Cantt Area a shot dead by Army Officer..
Meena says
I was looking for d episode in which a religious bachelor is looking after his old father and mentally unstable brother., Falls in love and decides to eliminate his responsibility..
R says
I want to see sencond part of vulnerability as its peak …. its not show on you tube plz suggest to me how can i see
Site Admin says
I searched it, but found nothing. Sorry.
ViveK says
Sir could you please upload episode 99&100
Of civil engineer satyaprakash dubey
Avinash says
Sir,mai season 1 episode 1 dekhna chahta hu…..how i will find
Site Admin says
As of now, it is not categorized anywhere.
Ananymous says
I wanted to know the name of that episode where 2 doctors I.e husband wife had a farm house and they runs surrogacy business
Site Admin says
Sorry, it is hard to find specific episode since this show has many episodes.
I want Nithari case full episode with two parts
subhash says
sir episode 23 telecast on july 15, 2011 about asti shekhar. how can i see it.
Site Admin says
Hi Subhas ji, It is difficult to find specific episode of this serial. Sorry.
Sakshi says
580 part 2 not available any where why?
murtuza baig says
I want the episode having lic maturity fraud done by one man and women and lic manager. The widow was suffered.
Vivek Joshi says
Can you suggest me episode name or number or date where story is about a child who get bicycle from his dad and after some.time it was theft . Some one tell him that police will found his cycle and he goes to everyday to police station. One day an officer knew his story and take this case as challange they found his cycle but when the boy see his cycle with little boy who loved that cycle more then he love he told to police it’s not his cycle. I don’t know when it telecast but belive me I am desperate to watch this episode since 3 year. Ps help me.
Site Admin says
Sorry Vivek ji, it is very hard to find out such unique episode.
Ajay says
Vah episode jisme BAAP aur bahu dono hi khud ko hataya kahte hain
Sagar says
There was one episode in crime patrol on gang robbery in AP, can you please let me know which one was that
Praneetha Mazumdar says
I need the link of City Crime – Shaadi ki Aas Jharkhand, full episode. If anyone know then please add the link here.
mujhe ek episode ke bare mein pata karna hai jo Gurgaon police Ne Mumbai Hotel Mein encounter kiya tha jismein Gurgaon police victim Dikhai De Gai Jo Sandeep Khandoli ka farji encounter karne ka aarop lagata Gurgaon police par
pl suggst where to see episode no of crime patrol telecasted on 16.01.20120 at 1:42 pm
Site Admin says
Akhilesh ji, if it is not a recent episode, then it is difficult to find that episode. If that is recent episode, then you can visit sonyliv.com.